The state-of-the- art Container Freight Station at Khalifa Port

COSCO SHIPPING Ports – Abu Dhabi CFS- LIMITED has invested in a world-class Container Freight Station (CFS) at Khalifa Port, Abu Dhabi, which is part of the worldwide logistics network, initially operated by CSP ADT being a sister company with CFS sole owner and later partially operated by CSP ADT through a Service Level Agreement.


This state-of-the-art facility is the largest CFS in the region covering 275,000 square meters and can cater to all types of logistics needs. It offers the full range of container logistics services, short-term and long-term warehousing solutions, and bonded and non-bonded facilities within Khalifa Port.

For more information, please email cfs@csp.effortz.com

Key Features of CSP Abu Dhabi CFS

  • Handling Capacity: 160 TEUs per 8-hour shift
  • Container Storage Yard: 1512 TEUs
  • Truck Parking Slots: 164
  • Insured onshore facility within Khalifa Port
  • Customs office within the facility
  • Bonded and non-bonded warehouses
  • Refrigerated and general cargo handling
  • Proposed Covered storage area of 105,225 Sqm. Phase 1 ready for operation with 50,666.50 Sqm.
  • Proposed Open Yard Storage Area of 100,779 Sqm in which 44,134.37 Sqm is ready for operation.
  • DG storage and handling